Pollen Analysis
The pollens around me
Hay fever symptoms can be annoying when they show up. A runny nose could spoil your rare day in the sun, while trying to master spreadsheets through watery eyes can be tough. Knowing the signs to look for can help you manage these pesky symptoms better.
2 mins
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The UK pollen calendar isn’t a short one, sadly. It kicks off as early as January, and continues through spring and summer well into autumn. September marks the end of the pollen highs, but that doesn’t mean there will be no pollen in winter.
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With over 10 million people suffering from hay fever in England, it pays to be a pollen connoisseur. Yet, few people know which pollen type they’re allergic to. You might know you’ve got a tree pollen allergy, but are you sure which tree type you should be avoiding and when?
4 mins
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Do you or a family member have a cat allergy? Learn all about allergies to our furry friends here.
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Hay fever can be tough on the best of us, but for children it can particulary hard. Kleenex & Allergy UK share their advice on helping children manage their hay fever.
8 mins
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Learn how different types of weather may be affecting your hay fever symptoms.
3 mins
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Man's best friend, or foe? Dog allergies can bedebilitating, especially if you have a furry friend living with you at home. Learn more about dog allergies here.
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Are you allergic to dust? Probably not! Your allergies aren't really down to household dust, they're cause by pesky dust mites. Learn more here.
3 mins
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Struggle with hay fever when exercising outside? Check out these tips from our partners at Allergy UK on ways to manage symptoms when exercising outside.
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According to the latest research from our partners Allergy UK, hay fever affects almost half of the British population. That’s an awful lot of people sneezing, suffering from itchy eyes, headaches, shortness of breath or constantly feeling tired. Find out more here.
3 mins
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Kleenex & Allergy UK discuss how to take control of your hay fever this pollen season.
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Learn the difference in symptoms to provide a touch of comfort for hay fever sufferers as we navigate our way through COVID-19.
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Stress and anxiety are closely linked to allergies, not only potentially leading to their development, but also playing a role in making symptoms worse. Find out more with Kleenex®.
4 mins
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Wearing a mask can be difficult if you suffer with hay fever. We discuss tips for managing the anxiety around wearing a mask with allergies.
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It’s not easy having indoor allergies during lockdown. We've debunked some common allergy myths to put your mind at ease.
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The UK has one of the highest prevalence rates of allergic conditions on the planet. Learn more about allergies in the UK with Kleenex®.
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For hay fever sufferers, the outdoors can be daunting. Learn how to cope with Kleenex®.
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Showing 9 of 17 articles
Hay fever can be tough on the best of us, but for children it can particulary hard. Kleenex & Allergy UK share their advice on helping children manage their hay fever.
8 mins
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Showing 1 of 1 articles
Hay fever symptoms can be annoying when they show up. A runny nose could spoil your rare day in the sun, while trying to master spreadsheets through watery eyes can be tough. Knowing the signs to look for can help you manage these pesky symptoms better.
2 mins
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With over 10 million people suffering from hay fever in England, it pays to be a pollen connoisseur. Yet, few people know which pollen type they’re allergic to. You might know you’ve got a tree pollen allergy, but are you sure which tree type you should be avoiding and when?
4 mins
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Learn how different types of weather may be affecting your hay fever symptoms.
3 mins
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According to the latest research from our partners Allergy UK, hay fever affects almost half of the British population. That’s an awful lot of people sneezing, suffering from itchy eyes, headaches, shortness of breath or constantly feeling tired. Find out more here.
3 mins
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Learn the difference in symptoms to provide a touch of comfort for hay fever sufferers as we navigate our way through COVID-19.
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It’s not easy having indoor allergies during lockdown. We've debunked some common allergy myths to put your mind at ease.
1 mins
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The UK has one of the highest prevalence rates of allergic conditions on the planet. Learn more about allergies in the UK with Kleenex®.
1 mins
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Showing 7 of 7 articles
The pollen forecast where you are
The weather forecast where you are
Understanding the what, why and when of hay fever is key, so here's the low-down
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Your Pollen Pal gives you both the pollen count levels and weather forecasts in your local area when you enter your postcode, along with more detailed information about the types of pollen you can expect. Click on the pollen type to see the breakdown of allergens, for a further idea of which pollen you may be sensitive to.
Pollen Forecasts
Your Pollen Pal will forecast pollen levels over the next five days in your current, or selected area, and break this down into Grass, Tree and Weed pollen levels. See ourtypes of pollen page to find out more about different pollen types, and the impact they can have on hay fever symptoms.
How Does Your Pollen Pal Work?
The pollen tracker takes data from Ambee, across several sources:
- Pollen traps across the UK and beyond
- Local weather on the day
- The different types of trees, weeds and grass in your area
“With such levels of accuracy, we can predict the pollen count on your street for up to five days ahead.”
Madhusudhan Anand, Co-Founder & CTO of Ambee
Pollen Levels
The following table shows the risk level for each type of pollen. We apply NAB (National Allergy Bureau) guidelines to our data and take percentile values from the extended season for each pollen type.
We measure severity of pollen by the PPM number, which stands for Pollen Grains Per Cubic Metre.
Risk Level | Tree | Grass | Weed |
Low | 0-95 | 0-29 | 0-20 |
Moderate | 96-207 | 30-60 | 21-77 |
High | 208-703 | 61-341 | 78-266 |
Very High | 704+ | 342+ | 267+ |
The weather and time of day can be a big factor in how pollen levels can affect you. In the evening, as pollen falls to the ground and heat eases, your hay fever symptoms can get worse. On rainy days, you’ll find yourhay fever symptoms are easier to manage as the rain tends to wash the pollen away.
Top Five Tips to Prevent Hay Fever Symptoms
Ah, summer. Life’s all hazy days and… streaming eyes. Here’s how to manage, or even prevent, hay fever in high pollen seasons. Let’s show pollen who’s boss.
1. Shower and change your clothes after being outdoors. This’ll help stop transmission as pollen gets everywhere, clinging to clothes and affecting you long after you’ve gone inside.
2. Apply petroleum gel just under your nose. Stick with us on this one… A little dab before you head outside can act as a barrier, preventing pollen particles from entering your nose.
3. Wear wraparound sunglasses. Yep, we’ve even come armed with fashion tips. The wraparound style will help keep pesky pollen powder out of your eyes.
4. Keep your hands clean. Regularly wash your hands when out and about to remove pollen.
5. Dry your laundry inside. Yes, the sun’s shining. But, yes, pollen will head straight for your clothes on the washing line. If you suffer from hay fever, it’s best to dry them inside.
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Hay fever symptoms can be annoying when they show up. A runny nose could spoil your rare day in the sun, while trying to master spreadsheets through watery eyes can be tough. Knowing the signs to look for can help you manage these pesky symptoms better.
2 mins
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The UK pollen calendar isn’t a short one, sadly. It kicks off as early as January, and continues through spring and summer well into autumn. September marks the end of the pollen highs, but that doesn’t mean there will be no pollen in winter.
2 mins
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With over 10 million people suffering from hay fever in England, it pays to be a pollen connoisseur. Yet, few people know which pollen type they’re allergic to. You might know you’ve got a tree pollen allergy, but are you sure which tree type you should be avoiding and when?
4 mins
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Hay fever symptoms can be annoying when they show up. A runny nose could spoil your rare day in the sun, while trying to master spreadsheets through watery eyes can be tough. Knowing the signs to look for can help you manage these pesky symptoms better.
2 mins
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The UK pollen calendar isn’t a short one, sadly. It kicks off as early as January, and continues through spring and summer well into autumn. September marks the end of the pollen highs, but that doesn’t mean there will be no pollen in winter.
2 mins
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With over 10 million people suffering from hay fever in England, it pays to be a pollen connoisseur. Yet, few people know which pollen type they’re allergic to. You might know you’ve got a tree pollen allergy, but are you sure which tree type you should be avoiding and when?
4 mins
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Recommended Articles
With over 10 million people suffering from hay fever in England, it pays to be a pollen connoisseur. Yet, few people know which pollen type they’re allergic to. You might know you’ve got a tree pollen allergy, but are you sure which tree type you should be avoiding and when?
4 mins
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The UK pollen calendar isn’t a short one, sadly. It kicks off as early as January, and continues through spring and summer well into autumn. September marks the end of the pollen highs, but that doesn’t mean there will be no pollen in winter.
2 mins
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Hay fever symptoms can be annoying when they show up. A runny nose could spoil your rare day in the sun, while trying to master spreadsheets through watery eyes can be tough. Knowing the signs to look for can help you manage these pesky symptoms better.
2 mins
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