10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (2025)

Painted Rocks


10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (1)

Here are some supplies you need to get started with rock painting. Painting rocks is apleasurable pastime for crafty people.

Even if you are not (or not yet) a rock painter, I bet you have noticed painted rocks strategically placed around public parks or walkways.

Painting messages of positivity on rocks has become a popularpastime and as more and more people notice these painted positivity rocks, they want to start rock painting themselves.

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (2)

Painted rocks can be used for many things, including:

  • for positive messages of kindness
  • as crafts for kids
  • as painted fruit in a fruit bowl
  • as garden markers
  • in fairy houses
  • along garden walkways and paths
  • to mark special areas (buried 'treasure' or in memorandum)
  • for a variety of other creativerock painting ideas

We are going to share the best rock painting supplies with you.

Also, it's a good ideato use eco-friendly rock painting options, especially if you plan on leaving kindness rocks along public paths or areas where wildlife may come into contact.

Try to refrain from using glitter or gems or anything that may come off onto wildlife if you are placing your rocks in the community.

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (3)

Best Rock Painting Supplies

Where Can IGet Rocks To Paint?

If you hunt around the right places, you will find rocks in a variety of shapes, sizes and surface texture that may catch your eye for painting. Rock finding may be easier near rivers and lakes.

In areas of little or zero rock there are shops who sell rocks for painting online. We are going to share where to find the best rocks to paint, as well as our favorite rock painting supplies that we can't live without.

From the best paints for rocks, to sealing rocks, bright colors, best paint pens and more.

There are so manycool things you can get for rock painting, these are the tops of our list.

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (4)

1. SMOOTH ROCKS For Rock Painting

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The firstitem you need for rock painting, are the rocks themselves. You will get the best results with smooth rocks or river rocks.

You can of course find rocks in nature or maybe at your local dollar tree, but here are some smooth rocks to paint that can come right to your door.

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (5)

These rocks are specifically offered as rock painting supplies and they have a very smooth surface.

Perfect for acrylic paint or really any rock painting tool, the first step in your creative journey is to find the perfect rocks as well as the rock painting tools you will need to bring your ideas to life.

2.NON TOXIC PAINTS For Rock Painting

Purchase Acrylic Paint On Amazon

Apple Barrel paints area non-toxic acrylic paintand are formulated for use on all surfaces.

These paints can be brushed, stamped, stenciled or sponged on to your rocks and like most acrylic paint, they clean up easily with soap and water.

They willdry to a soft matte finish and would be perfect for painted stones and other rock crafts. These would be great to decorate rocks with!

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (6)


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Get your rock painting glow on with this water-based glow in the dark acrylic paint.

This kind of paint will glow and make your rocks look absolutely fabulous. For best results be sure to apply this paint quite thick, aiming for almost a puffy paint texture.

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (7)

Glow in the dark acrylic paint is one of our favorite rock painting supplies and it works best on lighter colored decorating rocks.

If you are leaving yourrocks outside, it will need a resin top coat or sealant to be sure it does not deteriorate from weather exposure over time. Without a top coat, this paint is not weather resistant.

4.PAINT PENS For Rock Painting

Visit Artistro Shop

These Artistro paint pens are premium quality and will work great for your own rocks and rock painting creations.

They have a water-basedformula that will dry very quickly, leaving bright and highly pigmented colors on your rocks.

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (8)

You can use these paint pens on light and dark surfaced rocks. The fine tips paint markers are absolutely perfect for detailed work on your rocks and they range from whites, to bright and dark colors.

5.BRUSHES For Rock Painting

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Paint brushes can be used to paint a base coat on to all those rocks, and they can also be used to add fine detailed work as well.

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (9)

You will need a fineliner brush as well as thicker brushes to cover the whole rock with paint.

This rock has been painted with a black base with a larger brush and the detailed work with fine liner brushes.

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (10)

6. DOTTING TOOLS For Rock Painting

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Here is a set of dotting tools that are ideal for mandala painted rocks and dotted areas on your rocks. A full kit that comes with everything you need to get started painting rocks right away.

If you are looking to make painted rocks for your fairy gardens, these dotting tools are super helpful.

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (11)

If you are into mandala painting rocks that are going to be placed outside, you should also consider sealing rocks before putting them into the garden or elsewhere where they will have weather exposure.

7.ECO GLITTER For Rock Painting

Check Price For Eco Friendly Glitter

We don't recommend adding glitter to rocks if they are outside without being sealed first. If you do want to try adding glitter then eco friendly glitter is something that you might want to try.

Applythe eco glitter to your rocks using a flat brush and some adherent like Mod Podge.

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (12)

This can be done as a top coat on painted rocks or as the only coat. There are many different techniques you can use to apply glitter to your rocks, and there is no wrong answer. Do what makes you happy.

8. GLITTER PENS For Rock Painting

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We went ahead and emailed Kuretake Co. and asked them aboutthe Wink Of Stella shimmer pens to make extra sure they are non-toxic.

They replied back and told us that these glitter pens are water-based, and carry the SOP (Approved Product) Seal.

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (13)

For those who love glitter and shimmer, these shimmer pens are a great choice for adding glitter accents to rocks.

And like we have mentioned, again, be sure to seal rocks if you will be placing them outdoors in a garden or walkway.

9. MOD PODGE SEALANT For Rock Painting

Visit The Mod Podge Store

Before sealing your rocks, be sure to try a test rock. Some coatings will smear paints& markers and then all of your work will be smeared and you don't want to risk ruining your art.

Some of you who live in humid areas might not be able to get this to set so that it's not tacky so just be aware of that.

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (14)

This Mod Podge is made for outdoor use.

You only need a very light layer of a Mod Podge formula for rock painting.For those who live in a less humid climate, this dries to a rock hard finish.

You can order the smallest bottle to try first before committing to the larger size to help save money.

But if you find you enjoy working with Mod Podge on rocks, you can use it for a variety of rock craft projects includingartist trading coins.

Mod Podge also comes in a variety of sheens, shimmers and formulas.

See all the varieties of Mod Podge formulas here

10. EPOXY RESIN For Sealing

Visit Craft Resin Store

You know that high gloss look that you sometimes see on rocks? Well that is epoxy resin. When you mix the hardener and resin together, it gives you a hard, shiny finish.

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (15)

Just remember when using resin you follow safety precautions and use a proper respirator and nitrile gloves. We do not recommend children using resin. If your kids want to get a glossy finish, stick to Mod Podge glossy.

Rock Painting Tips

1. Choose the Right Rocks

Look for smooth, flat rocks that have a good surface for painting. Avoid rocks that are too porous or have a rough texture, as the paint may not adhere well.

2. Clean Your Rocks Before Painting

Make sure to wash your rocks with soap and water to remove any dirt or debris. Let them dry completely before you start painting to ensure the paint sticks properly.

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (16)

3. Use Acrylic Paint for Bright Colors

Acrylic paint is the best choice for rock painting because it provides vibrant colors and is durable. You can use both regular acrylic paint and acrylic paint pens for finer details.

4. Seal Your Painted Rocks

To protect your artwork and make it last longer, use a clear sealant once your paint is completely dry. This will also help to enhance the colors and add a glossy finish.

5. Experiment with Different Techniques

Try different painting techniques like dot painting, stenciling, or using a fine-tipped brush for intricate designs. Experimenting will help you discover new styles and improve your rock painting skills.

Wehope this list helps you out with your rock painting. Next, check out our post about some rock painting books for beginners.


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11 Responses

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (17)

DIY Craft Club Admin

April 12, 2021

Hi Rock, We do not have stickers on this list.

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (18)


April 12, 2021

The stickers are not sustainable/eco-friendly.

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (19)

DIY Craft Club

November 12, 2019

Hi Rouda,
More information can be found on the manufacturer’s website:

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (20)


November 02, 2019

Eco-friendly means that it doesn’t cause harm to the environment, it’s not about testing on animals ( not testing on animals is usually referred to as cruelty-free ) so my question is that is it really environmentally friendly as stated in the title?
Thank you in advance and have a great day :)

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (21)


October 08, 2019

Hi Rouda! Yes, Mod Podge is non-toxic not tested on animals. We spoke with them directly to get that information. There’s a ton more info on the Plaid Craft website. https://plaidonline.com :) Have a great day!

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (22)


September 30, 2019

About the ModPodge, are you sure it’s an eco-friendly option? I’ve been looking online and I can’t find anything on the fact that ModPodge is eco-friendly. Can you please share your sources with me or tell me how you got that information.

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (23)


September 16, 2018

Hi Chad! Yes, mod podge gloss is non-toxic also. Here is the link for you with more info.

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (24)

Jeff Hutchingson

August 17, 2018

Good article. Thanks.

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (25)


July 23, 2018

How can I get my rocks glossy? Is the mod podge gloss non toxic too?

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (26)


July 12, 2018

Great info. Grabbed the paint pens.

10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (27)


July 12, 2018

Thanks for the information. We all need to be responsible to protect the wildlife. Crows especially are attracted to things that glitter so I wouldn’t even use the glitter pens but especially no gems.

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10 Best Rock Painting Supplies For 2025 (2025)
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